Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Waiting game

I wonder if today will be the day of our babies birthday?

December 7 has a nice ring to it.  A lot can happen in the ensuing hours, but as of now, I am feeling nothing.  Due day was Monday, and I would love for this baby to get moving down the birth canal!  I am not extremely uncomfortable, I am experiencing the joys of late pregnancy: constant bathroom trips, heartburn that seems to come from anything at all, spurts of sleep at night, restless legs, and racing mind.   It's really not that bad.  Compared to some of my friends, I've had it pretty easy.  What I am struggling most with right now is boredom, and thinking I should be working (the pregnancy waddle and constant bathroom trips work well in 4th grade).  And, there are only so many baked goods I can make.  Monday I made Molasses Crinkles (Healy holiday favorite), 2 loaves of Cranberry Orange bread for the freezer, and a delicious loaf of Pumpkin Gingerbread.  It was satisfying, but then I couldn't be in the kitchen all night, and we were forced to order in Thai.  Yesterday, I made a Target stop after dropping Nick off at work to get more thank you notes.  My sister-in-law Maggie recommends shopping at Target to get the baby moving, it didn't work yesterday, maybe I need to be more aggressive in my walking/ shopping today.  Actually, we are completely prepared with "stuff", and we really don't need anything at all.  There's always laundry, folding laundry pretty much mimics walking the aisles at Target.

I am almost done with baby shower thank you notes, a have a good book, and a needy dog, I should be fine for today.  It's the rest of the possibly 12 more days that I am worried about!


Julia said...

i love you Carleeeeeeeen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

carleen said...

I love you too Jul, come see us. love, carleen