Saturday, November 26, 2011

Nice things

Nice things I have done in the past week.

Last Saturday: pink pedicure for my toes! (I officially can't reach them on my own).

Wednesday: Raiders of the Lost Ark at the Music Box, with popcorn and Nick (It's even better than the last time I saw it).

Thursday: wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with Laura and Tim, and Tim's family.

Friday: didn't get enough Thanksgiving, so I made cranberry orange bread, sage stuffing, and a from a pumpkin, pumpkin pie.

Today: prenatal massage and cooking a turkey!  I went to Whole paycheck yesterday and bought a turkey. I just want the smells of turkey cooking in the apartment, and I want the turkey soup that comes after the turkey.

5 more days of teaching, and then I'm off for 12 weeks.  And hopefully the baby will be here soon!

Any tips on novice turkey cooking?  We don't really do this very often, and will definitely be consulting the internets to help us out. 


Anonymous said...

Rub your turkey with oil, then sprinkle it with insane amounts of rosemary, thyme, tarragon (more rosemary than the other two) salt and pepper. Breast up. 400 degrees for an hour and then drop the temp to 350 and cover the breast with foil for the rest of the cooking time. Pour broth in the bottom of your pan...hopefully your turkey is raised off the bottom. Don't forget to take the giblets out--novice mistake---not that I would ever have done that...really i didn't... Hope you're feeling well! Call if you want the specific instructions. The gravy directions are killer for this recipe, too...

Auntie JIll

Auntie Jill

maggie said...

Matt made an awesome Turkey this year. It was so moist!! Everyone really liked it. Ill have him send you the details!! We missed you on Thanksgiving:) Keep us updated!

Nick said..., playing second fiddle to popcorn. (sigh) just getting ready for parenthood, I guess.