Monday, October 1, 2012

pumping in the closet at lunch

New title: quick thoughts while I am pumping in the closet.   I have been lamenting the loss of writing as my role is increasingly defined as NO FREE TIME AT ALL.   Mother, teacher, wife, friend and weekend homemaker have all superseded writer of late.  The drive to work is made nice by the sunrise over the lake, and it offers me a little time for thinking about what I would like to be writing, if I were to have the time for that.  Today on the drive, my thoughts were of gratitude for the early morning fishermen on the right, and the lone sailboat on the horizon to my left.  I wondered if it was a leftover sailor from last night, or an early riser, greeting the sun.  Seeing this beauty made me want to photograph it, and then share it somehow.  And I thought about how sad I was not to be writing about our lives and how maybe, I could get in a paragraph or two while I was sitting in the closet pumping milk for Nolan at lunch.  And here we are, hearing a wet, drippy sound, and noticing that the bottle is full, and I am leaking milk all over the closet floor.  Great. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh Carleen...while I can't imagine what it's like to pump in the closet I do know what it's like to not realize the darn bottle is full and leak all over the floor, couch, bed, or myself. I miss you!