Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday thinking

 So I left the apartment with two different shoes on this morning.  In my defense, it was dark in the vestibule, but it goes to show my state of mind these days.  Rush to work, rush around in the morning preparing for the day, rush home, dinner, bath, shower, bed for Nolan.  And if I don't fall asleep with him, check a few things on facebook or the internets and then bed for me.   Yesterday was a little exceptional because Nolan and I had a quick visit with friends after work, and then I got to have a bath.  It was amazing, I think it's the first bath I've had since the few weeks post partum when baths were important for healing.  Nick lit candles for me and I soaked in super hot water.  I think my cold moved on to it's next stage (closer to being done), just from that hot bath.

Up for us this weekend: find camera battery charger so you can see our beautiful boy growing up!

Quick school anecdote:  Last Friday, someone from my class put a banana peel on the floor in our closet.  I made a huge dramatic deal out of it, and while I was expounding on the dangers of banana peels, my most mischievous student said, with complete innocence, "I thought that only happened in the cartoons."  The student whom I would have least expected confessed later.  He said he did it because, this other student (the mischievous one) told him to.  Of course I went in to the jump off a bridge analogy.  Ahh, the delights of 4th grade. 

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