Well, I've been so crazy with school and life and 7 month baby in my belly that I missed our 1 year blog-iversary. I started this blog on September 3, 2010, and Nick joined me in writing from time to time as the year went on. I just looked back at some of the early posts and my, was I optimistic! I don't feel less optimistic now, but I do feel more predictable, obviously because of certain circumstances that are fairly settled (job, dog, apartment, car, baby on the way). What a journey, we went from being so not tied down to anything to choosing a life that has all kinds of limitations (or pleasures, I feel differently depending on the day). What has not changed though, is the partner with which I am traveling through these times.
http://nickandcarleen.blogspot.com/2010/09/we-are-two.html Nick has been steadfast in these months of pregnancy, caring for me when I didn't even know I needed it. He gets up every morning while I am walking the dog before work and makes me a huge lunch to take to work, he does the errands for me on the weekends when I just want to be home, he indulges every minor craving or desire I might have, and he selflessly eats with me when he's not hungry and I am. This is a little known fact of pregnancy: men who eat with their wives/ partners, are better people. I don't like eating alone after a long day, and Nick always eats dinner with me. This is wonderful. I should also mention that he also almost always makes dinner for me too. He's been amazing at using our CSA vegetables and creating deliciousness. I am so happy to say that we've had barely any waste so far. He is also keen on canning! What a keeper. He is taking the initiative to fabricate some kind of canning wire structure that will keep our bell jars from touching while they're in the water bath. Hopefully this year we'll be able to boast fresh tomato sauce and purees in the winter when all the stores offer only cardboard tomatoes.
It's been a great first year of marriage, not quite blissful, but it's been interesting, challenging, unpredictable, growth inducing, and joyous. We breathed in beautiful places, we've got memories of a 2 month road trip to last forever, I've been able to experience teaching full time (even with all the difficulties, this has been an amazing experience), we have a puppy that adores us (probably too much), and there will be an arrival in December that will be sure to change our lives forever. The time spent in Chicago has been not without it's trials, but the dancing I got to get in from November through now has been soul filing, the friends I've made at work and the life friendships I've continued have been priceless.
It sort of feels like I've both
had and
eaten the proverbial cake. What did I do to get so lucky?
Last weekend we were in Iowa visiting family and picking up some baby gear. We stopped and had a picnic in a park with Nick's aunt, grandma, sister and fiance, and niece and nephew. It was delightful! |
Look at him go! Today, we took another trip to Montrose Harbor Dog Beach and Arnie reveled and ran in the water and made tons of doggie friends. He is such a kid, he tries to play with the big dogs, then gets scared and resorts to running around and convincing other dogs to chase him. |
This is Arnie's preferred position in the car. Front and center.
And this is the best part of the trip to the dog beach: Arnie is too tired to play and romp around with his tennis ball! The boy will sleep so well tonight! |
I'll leave you with a picture from last summer, free and footloose and on the move. Life is a little different now, though we are partnered up and as happy as ever. |
1 comment:
Too sweet. xo
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