Wednesday, July 20, 2011

It's baby season

A few months ago, I found out in delight that two of my best friends were having babies in the Fall.  And then, my co-teacher joined the club, also due in the Fall.  To add to the season, we found out that not 1, not 2, but 3 of Nick's first cousins are having babies in the Winter.  And, there are several Chicago community dancing babies in the making.  So, we thought we'd join the party.  Everybody's doing it.  

Actually, to the contrary, we were shocked and surprised when in late March we found out that we were also expecting a little one.   Have you picked your jaw up off the floor and re-attached it to your face?  I am sure it's not as shocking to you as it was to me.  In no particular order, I have a job, (Nick is an awesome house husband), I am 31, we're married, we're in love, we have a dog, all the cards are in place.  This is a good time.  But it doesn't lessen the emotional and physical shock.  Getting through the first trimester was such a milestone and I feel a million times better about everything.  Now, at 20 weeks and a few days (5 months!) we are excited, thrilled, happy to be in this place, entrusted with this gift.  

When I was in utero, my parents named me LW for "live wire".  You can guess why.  I was a really active little baby.  We had our 20 week ultrasound on Monday, and the ultrasound tech had a hard time getting good pictures because our baby was so squirmy.  I've been feeling little kicks and punches for a few weeks now, and Nick dubbed this little one LW2.  

So, LW2 will make her/ his debut around December 5, 2011.  We both think it's a girl, but we're going to let it be a winter surprise.  Hurray!    

This is the last beach photo, I promise.  You can see a little bit of baby belly poking out.  Hello!


August said...

Congratulations!!! This is one lucky kid to have you two as parents :)

carleen said...

Thanks Ray! Hope you are doing well! All of our visits home lately have been SO rushed, I'm bummed we haven't been able to get together. Hopefully in the Fall!

Christine said...

Wow! So happy for you, but yes, I can imagine it's a shock. :) Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Everyone (including LW2) is now officially out to the great circle of friends and family that hold you both so dear! Can't wait to hear more of the details re your new home and moving plans.
Mother Theresa

carleen said...

YAY! Thanks! Moving is starts Monday.... we're really looking forward to our new place, hopefully you can come visit! Love, carleen

Ciaran said...

Well HAPPY DAYS!!! ;) I can barely contain my excitement! I bet that little live wire is going to be a dancer. (She's) already practicing!! I Love you guys and miss you. I'm like a foot without a sock, without you!!!!! :)

Lynn said...

Our little one is moving around like crazy, too! I'm hoping for a dancer or maybe a musical theatre enthusiast. Matt assumes it will be an athlete. Hmmm...

carleen said...

Lynn, let's go with musical theatre enthusiast. There are far too few of those in this world.