Here we are on Sunday morning, Nick is out on a walk with Nolan, who now after waking up is too excited by the prospect of the outdoors (which includes garbage trucks, delivery trucks, peapod trucks you name it) that he can't eat his breakfast. I've just been reading birth stories online, a necessary indulgence given that our time is coming and I feel so underprepared compared to when Nolan was born. These women who share their stories online will never know the kind of education they've given me/ reminded me of as I approach this next big journey of my second birth. Here is a little bit of what we've really been doing to get ready.
Nolan has been trying out all the baby gear. Every time I tell him that something or other is for the baby, he says "Big," and pats himself on the chest, like "I'm too big for that stuff but I still have to try it all out. " |
He has many strategies for getting in. |
We've been practicing the proper baby hold for getting in and out of chairs. |
Eating lots of corn on the cob with slick hair. |
Practicing the fine art of mixing pancakes up. |
Perfecting the "cheese for the camera" face. |
Beach time is essential for baby preparation. |
Learning depth boundaries. |
"Really guys, I'd like to go deeper!" |
As we organize, Nolan cleans out the empty bins, an essential skill. |
And finally, my preparation includes making delicious pizza out of our left over veggie CSA share. (Mom- this one is for you: zucchini, leek, mushroom, tomato, goat AND havarti cheese!)
Today is 38 weeks + 2 days. I am pretty certain baby won't make an appearance for quite some time, seems pretty snug in there, though I am going to start with the Red Raspberry tea and eating 6 dates a day today (our midwife is recommending this snack to get things in order).
Nick and Nolan are back, their walk took them to the beach and now they are hosing off in the tub. Time for another summer day!
Thank you for keeping us updated! Can't wait to meet the baby! Elvira
Congratulations! I've been thinking that I haven't seen posts about Nolan for awhile, but then after reading this blog it has been a long while. I need to check my Facebook settings. Blessings to you and your growing family :D
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