Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Gorilla baby come on down

39 weeks + 5 days, they tell me you are a long skinny baby!  The midwife said 7 lbs and some change, maybe 8.  Quite a change from N, but if history has anything to do with it, you're quite comfy and may stay put for another 2 weeks, only to be ousted on your very last day inside.   Momma is ready for you to come, Dad is convinced you will show up any day now and surprise us.  N keeps saying, Baby come? Shhhh.  He tells us you are a gorilla (girl).  I'm pretty sure no matter what your gender, he is going to think you are a gorilla impostor of some sort.  Your kicks are vigorous and sporadic, I can tell that you are running out of room.  At my appointment one of the midwives thought your foot was my rib for a second, it was sticking out so much.  Long and skinny.

We are ready for you.  We are stocked up on frozen Trader Joes dinner treats, the laundry is pretty much caught up, our floors are clean and the birth tub is prepped.  Today would be great, or tomorrow, or Friday or Saturday.  Really any day soon, as your grandma is coming to stay for a few days and it would be perfect if you joined us while she was here, so that Momma doesn't worry too much about your big "brudder."  Also, the weather this week is going to be lovely for you, please come before it gets too hot again, (because I know you are concerned about a temperature appropriate entry).

I went through your birth in my mind, and visualized it from the very end when the midwives go home, backwards to the first inkling of a contraction.  I am ready for the sensations (at least I say that now), and I am open to everything not happening as I have envisioned.  Anticipation curiosity expectancy.

There's a gorilla in there! 


Anonymous said...

Wow Carleen, you look beautiful! I had Bjarki Þórður 6 years ago today, you have so many fun years ahead of you with your two precious babies! Lots of love, Edda

carleen said...

Thanks Edda! I wish I had your grace as I am STILL pregnant. Miss you, like always :)