Yesterday at my friend Sarah's baby shower, I was talking to a few moms who were such swaddling proponents- the tight, straightjacket kind of swaddling, that I decided to give it another try. In my few attempts in his first week of life, Nolan batted his arms and legs around so much that he escaped the swaddle and screamed through the whole process. It felt a little torturous, so we let it go for a while. Since yesterday, I have somewhat reluctantly (it's so tight, and he still screams at first) re-invested myself in the swaddle and today is day 2 of real naps, alone in the co-sleeper: yesterday he slept for 3 hours straight in the middle of the afternoon! And we had a great night last night as well. Today it's been 10 minutes so far, and he's tightly swaddled, peaceful, and making breathing sounds so that I know he's still alive (I'm still in the check to see if he's breathing stage...). I am officially a believer in the swaddle, and it's amazing to have a few minutes or hours to myself to do things like update the blog with his big boy, 1 month photos.
Big yawn! Nolan is doing lots of cute things with his face these days. We've gotten big smiles, little laughs, and generally hilarious old man caricature faces. |
Chubby cheeks and content baby. |
We've discovered that Nolan loves this weird buzz chair. It was a hand me down from Nick's sister, and it has proved priceless to calm him down and give us a few minutes hands free. |
Arnie is the ever faithful watch dog. He usually is pointed towards the door ready to fend off any undesirables. |
Nolan is getting more cuddly by the day. He likes wedge his head in the crook of my shoulder and be close. I love it. |
Cuddly and curious! He is holding his head up so much, following lights and faces around the room and is looking everywhere. It's almost like we can see his brain growing and changing. |
Arnie is also feeling a little rejected, poor guy, he's not the top of the attention pyramid anymore. We have to be careful to give him love or he gets really jealous and throws his kong at Nolan's basket... |
Renie and Will have some swaddling type blankets that have velcro on them and the bottom is kind of a sack--best invention EVER. I have driven all over Denver looking for more, alas...everyone else with a newborn knows they're the best invention ever, too, as they are not to be found.... Nolan is growing and still as adorable as ever! Swaddling is wonderful--naps are rejuvenation time for parents....
xoxox Jill
Oh, carleen. He's amazing! Such sweet photos. Also, whoever invented the swaddler blankets with the velcro should get the Nobel peace prize. Seriously. Im so glad he (and you!) is getting some sleep.
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