Thursday, September 19, 2013

One month out

Ahh the weight and warmth of my snuggle bunny on my chest is magic.  I remember how fleeting this time is, I remember with Nolan being sad when he outgrew the sleeping on us phase.  "Enjoy the baby," a coworker closed an email with today,and  that's what I'm doing this morning. 

1 month old, our girl is doing great.  I'm going to take her for another weight check on Thursday, but so far things are feeling good. We are still having some nursing issues, which just may need time to resolve.  One of them being my massive milk supply due to my voracious toddler.  He has picked up any slack Frances may have had with nursing, and I have oversupply, which is giving her difficulty at some times during the day. 

Thursday update, Frances is doing great! She weighed in at 9 lbs. 9oz., which is about a pound greater than last week.  I feel so much relief! I can't say enough how beneficial seeing a Lactation consultant was.  I learned some great tips today on burping, positioning, and feel so much more confident. Awesome. I was feeling so good that Frances and I risked a trip to trader joes and were mostly successful, crying only at the end.  It honestly feels like a weight has been lifted, everything is as it should be. And I squeezed into some pre baby jeans, I am loving that familiar feeling: icing on the cake of today.

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