Today I danced. I took class for the first time since November! I've been to the Contact Improv Jam a few times, but today was the first time reuniting with class. It was really wonderful. My body is definitely a different one entirely, but the muscle memories came rushing back. And I made some new muscle memories too. It was great, such a reminder of what I love, and also that I need to take time for myself on a more regular basis.
On with the updating. I think we left of at Memorial Day Weekend. A few weeks later, my cousin Amy graduated from DePaul, and we got together (ie- had a delicious barbeque) with more family in Aurora. Uncle Jeff indulged Nolan in his constant desire to be jumping.
Nolan was pretty thrilled about it. |
We got to see Nana again! How lucky! |
And I wore my new green shoes. The are called TOMS, I don't know if you've heard of them? (joke- as soon as I made the purchase, I started to see absolutely everyone wearing them, for the record, they are super comfortable, and I'd buy them again in a heartbeat) |
More happy time with Nana. |
And then we tried food! Nolan has been showing signs of food readiness for a while now (grabbing for absolutely everything we are eating, and is clearly not satiated for very long after nursing).
We tried applesauce, it looked like fun at first, but he wasn't too interested. |
This was still while he was entertaining the idea. |
Turns out he wants to feed himself, and that is the only way he'll take it Give me the spoon!
We also have a mesh feeder (thanks for the idea Gus!) and so far, frozen mangoes and grapes have been a huge hit.
But like most things with him, the novelty only lasts 5-10 minutes. |
It's still fun for the time being though!
And then it was almost time for school to be over. Here are some of my darlings. (Roxy can you believe how big some of them are!)
Serious |
Crazy |
Check out the poses! |
In the midst of the craziness of the last week of school, Nick and I got to have a date at a Cubs game! And they won! Yipee. The highlight of the night was 1. riding my bike to the game, and 2. the soft pretzel with mustard.
Go Cubs Go! |
Before Julia left, on my first day of summer we had a mini photo shoot, starting with a self portrait of my boy and I.
Gaze into the mirror, see the camera! |
And here's Julia and her charge...
We miss her! Come back Auntie Nanny Sister!
I cannot resist this little face!
And back to Iowa for Fathers Day and a few days after.
Grandma TT has delicious spoons. |
Only if I can do it by myself, and 2 at a time please.
Hanging with Papa Danny! All smiles.
Nolan's head completely covers Papa Danny's, it's been said that Nick had a huge head as a baby too... |
We also visited with cousins and aunts and uncles and beautiful baby Stella! (Who is a month older than Nolan).
Giant baby vs. petite princess... |
Solids take 2. This time sweet potatoes! He seems to tolerate them, but really wants to do it him self.
This kid has had a mind of his own since day one (deciding to stay an extra 2 weeks past his due date!)
No worse for wear. He likes food all over his face. |
And now we are pretty much up to date. (Happy Fathers Day Nick!)
I am sure I've exhausted all of your eyes with the superfluity. I promise we won't go two months again without a word!
Sweet to the beat! Y'all are looking mighty good. Nolan is a wee charmer. He's gonna be a hit w the ladies, but I mean, look at the parents, was there ever any doubt that he wouldn't be???.......probably not! I Love you guys and I Love that it's going awesome. Long, long may it continue. :)
thunder thighs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love mom (karen, gramma) and juliaaa........ you guyz are too crazy beautiful for words. love the big grutz little grutz outfits!!!! handsome handsome.... talk to yas soon!!!
also, NICE BIB!!! and also solids? mashed sweet potatoes? <3 <3 <3
oops this is not facebook. hearts don't work and i can't delete that comment. solids does make sense, solids compared to breast milk. sheesh @ self!
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