Monday, March 5, 2012

Ways to be happy

Ways to be happy.

1. Get yourself a husband that crafts.

2. Bake an unknowingly huge batch of cupcakes.  I made 24 cupcakes and one round cake.  Come over for cake!  (The frosting is especially delicious).

3. Have a son who sleeps for (whispering)  7 hours in a row!!!!!  Let's not really talk about it because it might never happen again.

4. Be visited by a new baby and his wonderful momma.  Life is so precious.  These cute boys are just 9 weeks apart.  So much happens in a few short weeks.

5.  Let your baby sleep in your arms.  There's nothing like it in the world!

I am truly lucky these days!  And, I got to go to the Chicago contact jam yesterday, my body falls right back into it and relishes in the delight of really moving again.  So happy. 


Anonymous said...

Nice to hear you are doing so great! Nolan is so precious!

New Paradigm Energetics said...

I got to spend time with a little one today (8 months)and I'm so happy! Who knew? Crafts, cupcakes and babies! Sounds good to me! Love you guys, Carol Lynn

Lynn said...

So jealous of your baby meet up! Miss you!

Lynn said...

So jealous of your baby meet up! Miss you!

carleen said...

Lynn, we miss you too! Wish we were closer. Are you still thinking about visiting in May?

carleen said...

It's true, you can't help but be happy around babies :) Love you too!

Sara Strother said...

Hey Carleen!
We were in birth class together. I've really enjoyed reading your blog during this morning's feeding. So many parallels. Glad to hear life with Nolan is so spectacular!