Happy Days one and all on this lovely holiday(?)! After enduring copious amounts of snow and harsh subzero weather the last few weeks, a respite! Temperatures hovering around 40!!!! The possibility of 50 later this week. Be still my beating heart. I have come the the conclusion that landscape is terribly important. John O'Donohue's
Anam Cara beautifully reinforces this (I also suggest listening to an interview he gave before his passing, find it
here, at
Being) Included in that is the weather. Spirit can be ground to a sliver by -40 windchill. So can a bad alternator in such ridiculous weather (A CURSE ON YOU, VILE ENGINE COMPONENT!). Conversely, a sunny day, void of anything freezing and your lips can't help but smile. Aside from the alternator, my mood is elevated but such wondrous weather this Valentine's Day.
Grrrrrr, I WILL CRUSH YOU! More on this epic battle in the future. |
Ahhhhhhh, Valentine's Day.......love, romance...joy....happiness. I am overly fortunate and lucky to have a wonderful and interesting life. Far too many factors play a role in this life of mine, but at this very moment, I'd like to give a shout out to those things I love, going through my brain, at this moment, inside the Lozano branch of the Chicago Public Library System
I love my daring, beautiful, and caring wife. She's the bee's knees and I dare anyone to prove otherwise. |
The events of the last half year have been more compelling, exciting, and well, rather random, at times than ever in my life. I feel like I'm a character in a world of fast-paced novel. All these ins and outs, ups and downs, have been navigated with such kindness, compassion, and intelligence by my grand wife. Carleen, I love you this Valentine's Day (but you probably already knew that).
At the whole other end of the love spectrum, waterproof boots. Oh, how I do NOT take you for granted.
In the week following the snow storm (which I might add, I swear I read about it in the Book of Revelations) cars were of little use because of the roads and mechanical issues (see above). Bikes, too, we're out of the question as neither Carleen nor I posses bikes with giant nubby tires required for the deep, deep, deep snow fall. To the rescue, waterproof boots. Sure, the snow isn't really wet at 5 degrees, but at 40, with all that melt.....boo yes, waterproof boots.
I also love my family in Iowa and Ohio, friends, music, books, microfiber cleaning clothes (wonderful on the floors of our giant manor apartment), my Old Style hat (see last post), Pilsen (when I pretend I don't see all the trash and men pissing in the alleys), and of course, the Iowa Hawkeyes.
I'm also loving the Chicago Public Library Museum Passport program. Though many musuems are free for teachers.... or people with teacher ids...ahem, some are not and your can score passes at times from your local CPL. I made a trip to the Shedd Aqarium a few weeks ago and what blast! Not only do they have fish, but.....
And fishes from the world over, fresh and saltwater. Mammals, too. I had no idea it was +$30 admittance, so if you're planning to visit us (and we do have an extra bedroom.....I'm just sayin') there's lots to do, including the Aquarium. Well, got to run, by battery is dead. I love you all on this Valentine's Day.
1 comment:
And the whole world loves Nick and Carleen on this special day and all of the other days of the year. All made amazing because you two are part of our lives!
-Mother Theresa
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